CC: Jason Neyers <>
Date: 21/01/2010 20:52:20 UTC
Subject: A Special Invitation for our Friends Outside the U.S. to the 2010 Spring Contracts Conference

Spring Contracts Conference
William S. Boyd School of Law, UNLV
Las Vegas, Nevada
February 26 & 27, 2010

BSL logoUNLV's William S. Boyd School of Law will host a two-day conference designed to afford contracts scholars and teachers at all experience levels -- including those preparing to enter the academy and those whose primary teaching appointment is not in a law school, and those whose primary employment is not in academia -- an opportunity to present/demonstrate and discuss (formally and informally) recently-published and accepted-but-not-yet-published scholarship, works-in-progress, as-yet-fully-formed ideas for scholarship, and pedagogical innovations, and to network with colleagues (and potential collaborators or mentors) from around the country and the world.  This conference will bring together more presenters and discussants, a greater mix of senior and junior scholars and teachers, a more geographically diverse pool of participants, a wider array of contracts-related topics, and more diverse perspectives on those topics than any other recurring contracts-related gathering based in the United States.

Invitation: We invite paper, presentation, and panel proposals exploring any aspect of contract law, theory, and policy writ large (including, but not limited to, bankruptcy/insolvency, commercial law, consumer law, dispute resolution regimes, family law, insurance law, legal systems, and restitution, in addition to more traditional contract topics) from a behavioral, comparative, critical, doctrinal, economic, empirical, equitable, historical, institutional, interdisciplinary, jurisprudential, pedagogical, philosophical, policy-driven, political, or transnational perspective. We also solicit volunteers to serve as moderators or discussants.  We particularly encourage junior scholars and those who work in non-U.S. legal systems to propose papers or panels and to volunteer to serve as a discussant or moderator. We also welcome anyone who wishes to attend the conference without presenting or serving as a discussant or moderator. The educational and networking benefits alone are worth the price of admission.

Publication: There is no publication requirement for conference participants, although experience suggests that individual papers and panels often find good homes. The Nevada Law Journal encourages participants to submit individual and panel papers and hopes to publish several works from the conference in upcoming issues.

Participants: As of January 20, 2010, the following have registered for the conference, reserved a room at the conference hotel, or otherwise committed to attend: Yehuda Adar (Haifa, Israel), Janet Ainsworth (Seattle), Eniola Akindemowo (Thomas Jefferson), Hiro Aragaki (Fordham, Graduate School of Business), Dan Barnhizer (Michigan State), Wayne Barnes (Texas Wesleyan), Hazel Glenn Beh (Hawaii), Omri Ben-Shahar (Chicago), H. Allen Blair (Hamline), Scott Burnham (Montana/Ohio State), Robert Butkin (Tulsa), Charles Calleros (Arizona State), Gerald Caplan (McGeorge), Miriam Cherry (McGeorge), Carol Chomsky (Minnesota), Chapin Cimino (Drexel), Karen Halverson Cross (John Marshall), Sidney DeLong (Seattle), Larry DiMatteo (Florida, Warrington College of Business), Robin Effron (Brooklyn), Jay Feinman (Rutgers-Camden), David A. Friedman (Willamette), Moshe Gelbard (Netenya, Israel), Victor Goldberg (Columbia), Lukasz Jan Gorywoda (Ph.D. candidate, European University Institute), K.J. Greene (Thomas Jefferson), Timothy Hall (Louisville), Sheryl Harrison (John Marshall-Atlanta), Danielle Kie Hart (Southwestern), Agnieszka Janczuk (Ph.D. candidate, European University Institute), Nicholas Johnson (Fordham), Hila Keren (Hebrew U., Israel), Nancy Kim (Cal Western), Dan Kleinberger (William Mitchell), Tadas Klimas (Lithuania), Chuck Knapp (UC-Hastings), Russell Korobkin (UCLA), George Kuney (Tennessee), Christina Kunz (William Mitchell), Peter Linzer (Houston), Darcy MacPherson (Manitoba), Kevin Marshall (LaVerne), Jennifer Martin (Oregon), Meredith Miller (Touro), Marcy Peek (Whittier), Kamina Pinder (John Marshall-Atlanta), Lucille Ponte (Florida Coastal), Deborah Post (Touro), Michael Pratt (Queen's U., Ontario), Cheryl Preston (BYU), Harry G. Prince (UC-Hastings), Scott Pryor (Regent), Nancy Rapoport (UNLV), Val Ricks (South Texas), Caprice Roberts (West Virginia/Catholic), Keith A. Rowley (UNLV), Adam Scales (Washington & Lee), Amy Schmitz (Colorado), Andrew Schwartz (Colorado), Mary Shariff (Manitoba), Laura Spitz (Colorado), Tina Stark (Emory), Jeff Stempel (UNLV), Jeremy Telman (Valparaiso), Jarrod Wong (Pacific), and Deborah Zalesne (CUNY).

With the hotel conference rate deadline and the conference registration deadlines not yet passed and a number of outstanding invitations, we expect this list to grow substantially over the next couple of weeks.

Proposals: To propose a presentation or panel, please e-mail a title, brief description, and any supporting materials by February 1, 2010* to (or express mail it to me at 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 451003, Las Vegas, NV 89154-1003).  You need not send a completed article or draft and we generally give preference to works whose authors might benefit from the feedback they receive at the conference over already-published works.  If you would like to discuss or moderate, let me know your interests and availability by February 1.

Registration: Go to to register for the conference and to reserve a room at the conference hotel.  Your US$250 registration fee includes the costs of lunches both days and a dinner Friday evening (with a cash bar beforehand), as well as coffee, fruit, and baked goods each morning and cold beverage service and morsels each afternoon. The Hyatt Place also offers a complimentary continental breakfast, which might be particularly attractive to those whose body clocks are on Eastern or Central Time (or earlier).  Please register for the conference by February 1, 2010.  We will accommodate potential attendees who register after February 1 on a space available basis.

Preliminary Schedule: The conference program will begin both Friday and Saturday morning no later than 9:00 a.m. (grazing and conversational opportunities will start earlier) and should run until 5:00 or 5:30 p.m. each day.

Accommodations: The Hyatt Place adjacent to campus (4520 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, NV 89169) is holding a block of rooms at the rate of US$118.00 per night (plus tax). The official deadline for hotel registration at the conference rate is January 24, 2010.  I encourage you to book sooner, as our room block is beginning to fill -- particularly for Saturday night.  More robust registration this week might encourage the hotel to expand the block of rooms eligible for the group rate, extend the date after which the group rate will be unavailable, or both.

To book a conference-rate room at The Hyatt Place, go to; choose a check-in date no earlier than February 25, 2010 and a check-out date no later than February 28, 2010; enter group code "G-BOYD" in the box labeled Group/Corporate # (not the "Special Offer Code" box); hit the check availability button; if a room is available, verify that Boyd School of Law Contracts Conference appears next to rate details and, if everything matches, then hit book. If you have trouble booking on-line, or if you prefer to reserve a room over the phone, please call the hotel at (702) 369-3366.

If you encounter any difficulties before January 25th booking a room at, or getting the conference rate from, The Hyatt Place, please contact Elaina Bhattacharyya at the law school ( or Erin Van Buskirk at The Hyatt Place (, either of whom will endeavor to help you. If your difficulties persist, please let me know and I'll intervene.

Transportation: For attendees who stay at The Hyatt Place, it provides airport shuttle service and we will provide transportation between The Hyatt Place and the law school for those not wanting to walk the mile or so.  For Friday's dinner, we will provide transportation from the law school to dinner and from dinner back to The Hyatt Place.  Attendees who prefer to stay on The Strip or elsewhere are responsible for their own ground transportation.

*     *     *

I apologize for the short notice, I only learned about this list serve yesterday.  Nonetheless, I earnestly hope to receive proposals from some of you between now and February 1 and to see several of you in Las Vegas in February.

Until then, my very best wishes,


Keith A. Rowley
William S. Boyd Professor of Law
William S. Boyd School of Law
University of Nevada Las Vegas
4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 451003
Las Vegas, NV 89154-1003
Tel: (702) 895-4993
Fax: (702) 895-2482
Cell: (702) 217-8809

SSRN Author Page:
ContractsProf Blog: 
Commercial Law Blog:

*- This is an extended deadline for subscribers to the Obligations Discussion Group list serve and their colleagues outside of the United States.